3 min read

Improving Patient Satisfaction via Increased Portal Engagement

By AVS Medical on Tue, Feb 06, 2018

A standard among today’s modern cloud based EHR’s is a patient friendly, truly useful Patient Portal.

Topics: Patient Portal NextGen Office EHR/PM
2 min read

How To Get Paid Faster Using an Online Patient Portal!

By AVS Medical on Thu, Nov 02, 2017

Today’s health insurance plans include larger co-pays and higher deductibles making patients responsible for a larger portion of their overall health care costs and most importantly your revenue stream. Making sure that you collect these self-pay balances needs to be a key priority to increase cash flow. Using an online patient portal will enable your practice to get paid faster!

Topics: Patient Portal NextGen Office EHR/PM
2 min read

How a Patient Portal Can Improve Your Practice

By AVS Medical on Thu, Dec 15, 2016

As we make the change from Meaningful Use/PQRS to MACRA and Value Based Care, it is more important than ever that we embrace the term Patient Engagement. The requirement of patient engagement is not going to go away, so why not make things easier on yourself, your staff, and your patients! To accommodate the ever-changing patient engagement requirements, you’re going to have to find the best tools available to assist and benefit both your practice and your patients.

Online patient portals and Cloud-Based EMR are quickly becoming everyone’s go-to solution for patient engagement. They enable your practice to eliminate the most time-consuming tasks and duties by allowing patients to complete intake forms, fill out medical history, request and schedule appointments and even pay their outstanding bills. Portals also allow for a much more stress free environment in the waiting room and ease the workflow for the staff in the office!

Topics: Patient Portal