NextGen Office

MIPS Consulting

MIPS brings new challenges to the medical community. With our NextGen Office MIPS Consulting, ensure your practice is ready to participate!


Doctor looking her computer while proceeding a radiography in hospital

NextGen Office

MIPS Consulting


AVS has prepared a package to assist practices that would like help in meeting MACRA/MIPS in their NextGen Office EHR/PM.

  • Basic education of MIPS Requirements and Objectives

  • Analysis of the status of client's MIPS Dashboard and current workflow

  • Training to make needed workflow changes so that data capture is accurate

  • Training and Assistance on properly meeting Clinical Quality Measures, Promoting Interoperability Measures and Improvement Activities.

  • Assistance in the Submission of required MIPS Data for the reporting period.

Learn More About NextGen MIPS Consulting

Check Your MIPS Participation Status


Click Here to check if you are eligible to meet MIPS!

Explore MIPS Measures and Tools


Our consulting package will assist you in navigating all the necessary MIPS requirements for your practice. We will walk you through Understanding your MIPS Dashboard, assessing each required measure so that you know where you stand, teach you how to improve on those measures and even help you submit your data when ready!


Learn More About MIPS from the QPP Website!