An essential benefit for providers and patients,  virtual visit capabilities are integrated into NextGen® Office.




The power of virtual visits integrated with NextGen Office ensures a smooth user experience tailored to your workflow. As a result, you can easily  connect with your patients on any device while providing a consistent experience, whether they see you in the office or via video.


Learn More about NextGen Office

Features That Make Virtual Visits Easy

Simple & Secure

login from the patient portal


to patients from their smartphone, tablet or computer


patient email and text reminders

Transition Calls

to integrated virtual visits

Master The New Normal

Virtual Visits for Covid-19 And Beyond


Why Telehealth And Why Now?

Virtual visits connect you with your patients to deliver high-quality care anytime, anywhere, on any device.

• Virtual visits help lower patient and provider risk of infectious diseases, like COVID-19

• Some states are mandating coverage of virtual visits as the same reimbursement as an office visit

• Medicare has made substantial progress towards enhanced telehealth reimbursement

• Telehealth can help your practice stay competitive in a more consumer-oriented healthcare market reimbursement guidelines are in a constant state of change and can vary by state, practice, and payer. NextGen  Healthcare can help you navigate the  telehealth landscape.


How your practice and patients can benefit from Virtual Visits

• Expand patient access

• Increase patient satisfaction

• Enhance practice efficiency

• Optimize cost

• Drive revenue goals

doctor ipad

How You Can Utilize Telehealth

• Increase convenience for you and your patients through cloud-based access on any device, anywhere

• Screen patients who may be contagious or otherwise should not come into the office

• Manage medication refills without tying up phone lines

• Provide virtual follow-up visits

• Enable review of lab results, x-rays, and ultrasounds outside the office
• Access patients with limited mobility

• Extend patient care to after-hours

• Connect Medicare or Medicaid patients at originating sites with off-site specialists

• Make chronic care management more accessible


“This telehealth solution is a complete game changer— integration is logistically doable, and the video quality is the best. Since offering patients more appointment access, our practice has grown as well.”

Dr. Steven Schwartz
Potomac Physician Associates

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