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Did you know PDMP is available in Version11.2 Enterprise Rx?

Written by AVS Medical | Thu, May 23, 2019

E-MDs is now offering integrated Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (“PDMP”) services through our EPCS partner, DrFirst. DrFirst's combined EPCS (Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances) and PDMP solution streamlines your workflow and dramatically reduces the time it takes to check your patients’ prescription history, document your PDMP check, and complete your electronic prescription.  Even if PDMP checking is not mandatory in your state (yet), you will likely agree that the more information you have access to, the better, as you do your part to address the opioid crisis.


What is PDMP?

PDMP is the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and it monitors the prescribing and dispensing of drugs that contain controlled substances. It is utilized by government officials for reducing prescription drug abuse and diversion. PDMP’s collect, monitor and
analyze electronically transmitted prescribing and dispensing data submitted by pharmacies and dispensing practitioners. 


What prescription drugs are monitored?

Only drugs that contain Schedules II through V. This includes opioid pain relievers, methadone prescribed for pain; anti-anxiety and sedative medications, and stimulants.


What prescription information is reported to the PDMP?

Drug, Patient, Prescriber and Dispenser.


As a medical provider, what can I use the PDMP information for?

This information can be used to identify a patient who may be “shopping” multiple physicians.


I do not prescribe controlled substances, can I still participate?

No, the PDMP information is only pulled in when a controlled substance is being prescribed in the Enterprise Rx module. You may still be able to participate directly with your state but the integration with DrFirst is triggered when a controlled substance is prescribed.


My stat provides PDMP information free of charge, why should I pay for this? 

The fee associated with PDMP is one that eMDs is charged by DrFirst and passes down to our customers. This fee represents a value-added service of giving you the information of your workflow without having to go to the state’s website, login, and enter the patient information. 


Where can I find more information pertinent to me?

Each state has their own guidelines, check your states Department of Health for more information. The Drug Enforcement Administration provides links to state specific information. Their web address is www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov.


What will I be losing if I don't pay the fee associated with installing PDMP?

You will only be losing the convenience of having the PDMP record pulled inside of eMDs when you are prescribing a controlled substance. Enterprise Rx is available to all our customers at no additional charge.


Integrating PDMP checking into your  EHR gives prescribers real-time access to information to identify and prevent substance abuse. Further reducing the administrative burden on providers and improving patient outcomes. 


Want more information on Enterprise Rx for Practice Partner, Medisoft Clinical or Lytec MD?